Tag Archives: Parmesan

Recipe: Honey Roasted Carrots with Thyme…plus roasted beets and couscous

7 Feb

Carrots and Beets and Couscous, Oh My!

We’ve been getting lots of beautiful young carrots in our CSA lately, so I roasted up a bunch.  There’s no real recipe here.  Just trim and clean the carrots (no peeling necessary), toss with some olive oil, S&P and leaves from a few thyme branches and roast at 425 for about 45 minutes, stirring often.  When they’re done, toss with about a T of honey (we have this great stuff that is produced on a rooftop in downtown LA – doesn’t get more local than that!).  Meanwhile I tossed in the young beets, wrapped in foil and cooked them at the same time.  We made some couscous to accompany the veg – tossed with some Meyer lemon juice and topped with some parmesan.

Recipe: Pasta with Tatsoi and Brown Butter

19 Feb

Tired of Thursday night kitchen sink tofu stir fries?  Well so am I.  So I wanted to do something different with our tatsoi this week.  It was a little too cold for a salad, so I pretended the tatsoi was spinach (it’s so mild in flavor) and combined it with some turnip greens for an easy brown butter pasta dish.


  • whole wheat pasta, preferably curved or with ridges
  • 1/2 stick unsalted butter
  • leaves from a bunch of tatsoi
  • turnip greens, torn and washed
  • 1/2 cup chopped sage
  • Freshly grated parmesan
  • Lemon wedges

Cook pasta to al dente in salted water.  When pasta almost done done, melt butter in a skillet. Swirl the butter in the pan as it foams. (At this point, remove pasta from the heat and drain well in a colander.) When butter begins to brown, toss in pasta and mix to coat with butter. Salt and pepper to taste. Add greens and sage and cook until slightly wilted, about 1 to 2 minutes. Plate and serve immediately with grated parmesan and lemon wedges on the side.  The lemon really makes this dish!